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Tuesday, 1 July 2014

2014-15 Annual Stampin Up Catalogue Is Here


The much awaited day is here. The slaving away getting pre-order samples ready for the launch parties, on-line swaps and more is now going to be worth it all as we watch with bated breath, the reaction from our followers, customers, friends and family who have complained loudly at what they were losing from the catalogue, can now sit with a leisurely cup of coffee and browse the new catalogue, listing all the new must have goodies.

The new catalogue is more stream lined, with interactive CQ codes for those of us with smart phones so that at a click you can see all the products you need for the many projects demonstrated in the new catalogue.

There are plenty of creative ideas, as is expected from Stampin Up!, with more card kits for the novice and those where time is precious but you still want a hand made goodies for those you love.

Another newcomer to the catalogue is Stampin Up! Exclusive Project Life products ... I have had some fun playing with the cards and accessories, and as a seasoned, over complicating scrapbooker, I was surprised with how delighted I am with the products, and how sectioned pages slip in easily  alongside my traditionally made pages.

But best of all HAS to be the new Blendabilities. I have always loved hand colouring stamped images, and the new Stampin Up! pens leave me in no doubt, that I can now get all my colouring pens in one place. I love that you get 3 shades of each colour in the pack making blending and colouring easy.

Now I have withered on far too long, I will leave you to click on the image of the catalogue below, get that cup of coffee in from of your laptop, phone or PC and let out a big sigh as you browse the new look of Stampin Up!

P.S. Don't forget to place your orders too

Kim xx

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